What does this mean?
An approach to validate a repair involves clearing the code after the repair and subsequently driving the vehicle to ensure the code remains inactive, indicating the success of the repair.
The amount of driving needed depends on the completion of the emission monitor's self-tests. These tests involve diverse driving methods, including maintaining a specific speed for a designated duration, and vary for each monitor, as they assess different engine systems. These specific driving patterns are also referred to as 'drive cycles'.
After the codes are cleared, the emission monitors are reset to an incomplete state. Once all monitors are successfully completed and the code remains inactive, it can be concluded that the repair has resolved the issue.
Typically, these drives rely on guesswork, which may take up to 1-2 weeks of regular driving to fulfill the diverse conditions required by each monitor. However, understanding the procedures for completing each monitor, known as a 'drive cycle,' can significantly reduce the validation time for a repair to just a few hours.
How do you track progression of the drive cycles?
Our tools incorporate drive cycle procedures for your emission monitors and provide a simple method to determine their status - whether complete or incomplete.
While our tool remains connected to your vehicle, it will automatically display the current status of your emission monitors. As you drive, you can observe your blinking monitors turning solid one by one, eliminating the need for guesswork.